Subscription Info

You can save up to 20% on any of our coffee when you order via a subscription.
Save 12% on rolling pay as you go subscriptions, 15% when you choose a pre-paid 6 month subscription, and 20% for a pre-paid 12 month subscription.
To do this, simply select "Subscribe & Save" and then choose the required frequency, and then choose to pay as you go, or pre-paid for a greater discount.
When you create a subscription, the first order will be placed immediately, and subsequent orders will be placed at your chosen intervals, weekly, fortnightly, every three weeks or monthly.
You will receive a reminder email three days before the subscription order is placed.
Please Note: Pre Paid Subscriptions
While monthly rolling subscriptions can be edited at your leisure, including swapping coffees, skipping orders, pausing or cancelling, with pre paid subscriptions you're effectively buying your coffee in advance, to then be roasted and delivered as per your chosen schedule.
You can choose to pause or skip a delivery, you'll always receive the number of coffees you've paid for, but it's not possible to change coffees or to cancel the subscription before the pre paid balance of your order has been delivered.
So please ensure you've tried the coffee before placing a pre paid subscription, as you're purchasing all of this coffee in advance, we're simply roasting and dispatching for you as per your chosen frequency.
Editing Rolling Subscriptions
You can pause or cancel your rolling subscription at any time, just log in to your online account by clicking the login (person) icon on the top right hand side of the website, click on "My Subscriptions", and from here you you will see the option to pause, cancel, remove coffees and to swap coffees.
If you're running out of coffee and you'd like your order to be dispatched sooner, simply click on "edit future order" at the top right hand side of your subscriptions page, next to your next order date.
You have the same flexibility with pre-paid orders as with rolling pay as you go subscriptions, and with pre-paid subscriptions you can log into your account at any time and choose what you'd like to do when the pre-paid subscription ends.
If you don't see the "edit future order" date, and instead you only see a "pause order" option, please get in touch and we'll fix this for you.
Next, choose your preferred next order date on the calendar. If you'd like the next order to go out today, just select today's date.
Then tick the relevant box to select whether you'd like to leave future order dates as they are or to update them from your next order date.
For example if you have a monthly subscription, you're changing the next order date to today, and you want the next order to go through a month from today, select "Update all future orders based on selected dates".
If you're wanting to change the products in your order, the easiest option is to simply to cancel your current subscription and create a new one.
Alternatively, just jump onto chat with us, and let us know what you'd like to change about your order, and we'll sort it for you :-).
Please note: You'll be sent an email three days before your order is due to dispatch, this email will have the subject: "Your subscription order from The Coffeeworks will be created soon" and will come from
Please ensure that you can receive emails from this address, and that they're not spam filtered. This way, if you get a notification about your pending order and you don't need coffee at the time, you can simply log in and pause the order or change the delivery date.
It is not possible to stop an order from being dispatched once it has processed, so if you log into your account on the day of your order, you won't be able to cancel it.
If you do forget to pause or cancel your order, if you contact us early enough in the morning on the day the order has been processed, we may be able to cancel it for you, but in some cases your order may have already been roasted and bagged up.
Unfortunately on some very busy days it just wouldn't be possible, once this has been done, to find your order in the huge amount of orders that are awaiting collection, so the best bet is to just ensure you're able to receive our order reminders so you can go in and change the order date or pause the order - or contact us via chat or email so we can do this for you.
Gift Cards: A gift card can be used to pay for the first order in a subscription, however it's not possible for gift card balance to be used for recurring subscription orders.
Extra 15: We occasionally run an "Extra 15%" promotion.
This is an extra 15% off the order placed at the time of creating the new subscription, all subsequent orders in the subscription will receive the subscription discount corresponding to the kind of subscription chosen, 12% for rolling subscriptions and up to 20% for pre-pay subscriptions.
Any questions?